Woman of the Word


Woman of the Word – A Memorizing Scripture Experience

Imagine having with you everywhere you go, a source of encouragement, a positive thought as well as a weapon to defeat temptation that comes! The reader who embraces the step-by-step process to memorize Psalm 8 will come away with a powerful Psalm to recite. WOW!

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Woman of the Word – A Memorizing Scripture Experience

Imagine having with you everywhere you go, a source of encouragement, a positive thought as well as a weapon to defeat temptation that comes! The reader who embraces the step-by-step process to memorize Psalm 8 will come away with a powerful Psalm to recite. WOW!

Woman of the Word – A Memorizing Scripture Experience

Imagine having with you everywhere you go, a source of encouragement, a positive thought as well as a weapon to defeat temptation that comes! The reader who embraces the step-by-step process to memorize Psalm 8 will come away with a powerful Psalm to recite. WOW!

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