Teach Us How to Memorize

Three young women walked up to me after Bible study one Thursday morning and asked, “Would you teach us how to memorize scripture?”

It seemed an unusual request and I doubted my ability to instruct anyone in this ancient spiritual discipline. I love to teach God’s Word, however, and because there were six weeks left before summer break, I set about writing down some thoughts and ideas, taking up their challenge to teach a class on memorizing scripture.

My own questions began to surface: Why should I memorize? What text should I choose? When is the best time? Can anyone memorize? I began my quest to discover the answers to these questions and more, knowing I would need divine help to write something of value for these women. I daily asked God to reveal a passage that would be meaningful to each one. It seemed God was whispering, Be still and know. Lord, I am being still…what passage should I teach?

I sensed that whichever psalm contained that verse might be just the right one for the last four weeks of the summer session.

God’s Word in Us

Very soon my class was fully engaged in the truths, the meditation and memorization of Psalm 46. From BG in her twenties to Ruth in her eighties, they all stood together and began. “God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help in trouble.” The verses in the psalm show mountains falling into the seas, nations in uproar, utter chaos. And then verse 10 jumps out in the midst of the earth’s crumbling and God speaks, “Be still and know that I am God.” Each word bore down into our spirits as whispers of God’s love and His presence in the tumultuous seasons of life, gracing our time together.

Many in the class began to experience the power and inspiration of God’s Word. Kathy surprised herself, having felt and believed memorizing to be impossible. Joanne recited her verses when she was tempted to smoke and not long after gave up cigarettes completely. Suzanne rehearsed her text when she awakened in the early hours of the morning and declared, “Soon I drift off into an extremely peaceful sleep.”

Betty-Anne, initially a reluctant participant in the memorizing project, would face her own mountains and roaring seas shortly after our four-week course ended. Her husband, and the father of their two young children, was tragically killed one morning on his job site.

Betty-Anne writes, “I had studied the Bible in depth for many years, but now it was just a big book to me. I didn’t know where to turn for answers for this. But God’s Word was in me.”

Memorizing and meditating on the truths of Psalm 46 provided Betty-Anne with, in her words, “a lifeline for me in the stormiest days of my life.”

Woman of the Word

From that small beginning of personal discovery and teaching scripture memorization, the outline for my latest book, Woman of the Word: A Memorizing Scripture Experience, unfolded.

I continue to be compelled to pass on my own legacy of memorizing scripture. Unfortunately, in this culture, some people have convinced themselves that this discipline is either too difficult or completely unnecessary in this day of handheld devices and instant information. God has led me to write Woman of the Word in response to such objections, a reminder of the inestimable worth of having, as King David did, God’s Word hidden in our hearts.

Alanna Rusnak

With over eighteen years of design experience, powerful understanding of publishing technology, a passionate love for stories, and a desire to make dreams come true, Alanna Rusnak is your advocate, mentor, friend, cheerleader, and the owner/operator of Chicken House Press.


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